Super Sheets

This week we had a look at using Google Sheets with the 12 days of Christmas story.

We learnt some of the terminology – tabs, rows, columns, cell, formula, etc. 

Lots of us hadn’t used formulas or charts before in sheets and found this quite interesting to do.

What are your favourite things to do in Sheets?

Copyright and Notan Art

In Toroa today we learnt about copyright and how important it is to give credit to people if we use their work. We looked at fair use, automatic copyright criteria, and how to cite and reference someone’s work. We then created some Japanese Notan art which looks at light and dark elements through the use of positive and negative space. Reflection and symmetry are also elements of Notan. We created our own on Google Drawing using tools such as polyline and curve.

Email Etiquette

Did you know that emailing etiquette is different form texting. For example, using winking emojis isn’t appropriate in emails as they can easily be taken the wrong way. Sarcasm doesn’t always come across in emails well.

We were learning all about the appropriate way to email from our school account today. Here is the one we composed together before drafting our own.

Private and Personal Information

We have been revisiting the ideas about Smart Footprint and what information we share online.

We looked at some videos and recorded our discussion on a PMI sheet.

We then also used the ideas we learnt to create a pick a path slide deck or play mindful mountain and take screenshots of the key ideas.

We learnt how to embed our slides in our blog posts to share our creations.

Here is a link to Alexander’s.

Positive Digital Footprint

Today we were learning about having a positive digital footprint.

A positive digital footprint is where you have left a trail behind you of the good things and places you have been. A negative digital footprint would be one where you have searched up something that you were not supposed to, or where you have made comments, sent messages, or posted things that are hurtful, unkind, or may leave you embarrassed or ashamed at a later date.

Here is our thinking about what it means and examples of what searching online and copying online is.

We viewed our History and some of us were surprised at what we saw.

We created a WordArt or Treasure Map to show our positive digital footprint.

What’s on your history? Is it positive?

New Blogs

Today the Year 8 students have logged into their new Edublog and posted their About Me Blog Profile.

The Year 7 students have done this earlier in the year.

Now we are all ready to rock and roll with our blogs! Our next steps are to learn how to compose a good post, comment and reply.

Thanks to Room 22 @ Belfast School, in Christchurch for all your comments on our previous post. We are just learning all about what makes a good comment and reply so your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments will be good examples to work with.

Quality Commenting

Today we learnt what a Quality Comment includes and then had a go at constructing a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment for a post about Hector’s Dolphins that was written by Jessica from Rawhiti School.

Here is a slide deck showing our comments:

Hello world!

Welcome to your brand new blog – a space to share your learning journey.

To get started, simply visit your blog’s dashboard, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you.

Like more help?

We can walk you through step-by-step in our guide to getting started with your blog.

You can see what other learners are sharing on their blogs here.

Happy blogging!